When you visit the Site, your browser automatically sends us an IP (Internet Protocol) address and certain other information (including the type of browser you use). We may use this IP address and other information to give you access to the Site and otherwise to administer the Site. In certain parts of the Site, we may ask you to provide us with personal information so that we can provide you with information you request. You are under no obligation to provide us with this information, but without it, we may not be able to provide you the information you request. The Site also may include certain features that allow you to communicate with us by electronic means such as email. You are responsible if you choose to use these communication features to provide personally identifying information to us (such as by including your name in the body of an e-mail message). When you provide any personally identifying information to us, you affirm that you are knowingly and voluntarily providing us the information. We may respond to the electronic communication messages you send us. The use of cookies and other information is used to optimize the viewing experience, troubleshoot any problems and better serve content.

We work to ensure that the personally identifying information you do intentionally provide us remains private. We will not sell, rent, or trade the personally identifying information you provide to anyone outside of Touchstone unless we are required to do so by law. Please be aware, however, that it may be possible for others to read messages that you send over the Internet, so do not send by electronic communication any information that you would like to keep confidential.

This privacy policy applies to this Site only, and not to other sites including those of parents, clients, and affiliates of O2K Sports Management which may have different privacy policies.